NorthEast to Houston ArtCar Caravan

This site contains pictures, tales, quotes and the road journal from our ArtCar Caravan from the NorthEast down to Houston TX for the Orange Show ArtCar Parade. Right now we're just uploading random journal entries, pictures, and such as we manage to find net connections. Afterwards this will eventually be sorted out into something a bit more coherent. But for now, enjoy what's here and see you on the road!


The Wheels

THAT carThe CatEcco

click on the artcar to get more info on it


Notes from the road

The journal can be found here.


The images

Pictures are located on this page.


So than I said...

THE ROUTE: Our day-to-day progress (the directions are mapquest's directions and not necessarily our actual route)

Vernon CT to Salem VA (611miles)

[The Cat & Ecco] Salem VA to Nashville TN (425miles for a total of 1036miles)

[THAT car] Hazleton PA to Nashville TN (410miles for a total of 1446miles)

[projected] Nashville TN to Baton Rouge LA (_____)

[projected] Baton Rouge LA to Houston TX (______)

Being spent in Houston at ArtCar Events.

[projected] Houston TX to Vernon CT (_____)